Column: The Ambiguous Ending

Video game developers are capable of telling innovative, revolutionary, and groundbreaking stories. Stories that capture the heart, light one’s imagination, and dazzle the mind. When done well, games and the stories they tell rank right alongside the very best and…

Column: The First Time

A nostalgic look back in time.

The Art of the Video Game: Photography

The first photograph of a human being ever taken was that of an anonymous figure having his boots polished on Boulevard du Temple in Paris. Louis Daguerre—the French painter and chemist who invented daguerreotype process of photography—took this photograph in…

The Best Video Game Music of Games I’ve Never Played

There are few times when I can actually make myself listen to new music. I have a hard time listening to full albums and I usually skip songs on playlists that don’t grab me thirty seconds in.

The Art of the Video Game: Theatre

In a continuation of his art series, Theatre takes center stage.

No Man’s Sky is the Scariest Game of the Year

My journey is an unnerving, horror film.