Jarrett and Jurge sit down to talk about Devotion being pulled Steam and Youtube after a backlash in China. And the state of censorship in the worlds most populous nation. Topics Discussed: Devotion pulled from Steam and Youtube Works Mentioned:…
Input Ep. 81: The Fall and fall of Starbreeze.
All three of the boys are back together for the first time in weeks as they discuss the slow shambling fall of Starbreeze games. Topics Discussed: Starbreeze falls apart. Timeline of Starbreeze: The timeline GRIN/Overkill Advanced Warfighter 1 and 2,…
Input Ep. 80: Activision-Blizzard Lays Off 800 Workers Despite Having “Record Sales”
Jarrett and Jurge sit down with the youngest member of Irrational Passions, Quinten Hoffman, to break down what led to Activision-Blizzard laying off 800 workers. Works Mentioned: Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg is leaving in March By Dean Takashi Blizzard co-founder…
Input Ep. 79: “Ethics in Games Journalism”
Jarrett and Jessica read through Russ Pitts’ screed about ethics in games journalism, and found it wanting. Works Mentioned: How do we finally talk about ethics in video games? – Russ Pitts An Apology from Editor-in-Chief Russ Pitts – Russ…
Input Ep 78: What Happened to Gamestop?
Jarrett and Jurge are both gone for this week’s episode so Logan invited on the wonderful Cameron Abbott from KGN and also the amazing, talented, and brilliant Jessica Cogswell, who it just so happens is also the brand newest member…
Input Ep. 77: An Update on the Epic Games Store
It has been a month since Epic launched it’s PC games marketplace, and boy they have been making some moves since then. Because of that Jarrett and Jurge sit down to review some of the news in that past month…
Input Ep: 76 Randy Pitchford Did What?!?
Logan and Jarrett are joined by the beautiful and wonderful Cameron Abbott from KGN and proceed to roll around all the bizarre, strange, and delightfully messy story of Randy Pitchford’s legal problems and possible misdeeds at Gearbox. Topics Discussed: Ex-Gearbox…
Input Ep 75: Ellie, OWL, and Gaming’s Problem with Women
Jarrett, Jurge, and Logan are all together for the first episode of the brand new magical year of 2019. The boys come together to talk about the constantly updating, bizarre, and upsetting story of Ellie joining OWL and the ugly…
Input Ep. 74: Fireside Chats Holiday Episode with Alex O’ Neill
Jurge and Jarrett were off dashing through the snow for Christmas, so I invited one of my dear dear friends, loves, and also editor in chief of Irrational Passions, Alex O’Neill to sit down in front of the fireplace and…
Input Ep 73: The 2018 Inputies
Jarrett, Jurge, and Logan are proud to usher in the first Inputies. THE internet gaming award ceremony that really matters, recognizing such important categories as Please Stop, Excuse Me, and Biggest Story. Part recap, part satire, and part genuine reflection on 2018 and…
Input Ep.71: Epic Games Builds a Store
Jarrett and Logan talk Epic’s potentially huge news that it is going to be offering up a marketplace to challenge Steam on the newest episode of Input, recorded as some of us(cough not Jarrett cough) eagerly look forward to the…