Get Ready for a Disaster
It’s our 9th annual ExtraLife! Last, year, things got pretty crazy, and this year we’re hoping to have slightly more responsible amount of fun. We are bringing the love for Children’s Miracle Network, as always.
This year’s show will be a big production brought to you by all the members of the Irrational Passions team. This year, much like last year, we’ll also be joined by a bunch of guests you may have heard on IPP over the last year, to play games, make bets, hit goals, and we’re not eating anything spicy this time! All in the name of ExtraLife and charity!
ExtraLife is for the kids:
Each of us are working to support the Children’s Miracle Network of Hospitals where thousands of children are treated each year, regardless of their family’s ability to pay. These kids are facing horrible situations brought on by cancer, cystic fibrosis, and injuries from accidents to name just a few.
Here is some information you should know if you’re donating:
Your donation is tax-deductible and ALL PROCEEDS go to help kids.
To support us, just go TO THIS PAGE and click the SUPPORT ME button! Please!
Thank you, and wish us luck!
We have special plans for our annual live stream that will be event-filled and a party as always, and we will reveal those details as they develop. Until then, subscribe to our Twitch channel and stay tuned!
Saturday, November 10th, 2018
11am Eastern Standard Time – 11am Eastern Standard Time (Sunday)
You can watch it here, or go to Twitch.tv/IrrationalPassions