With its first release back in January of 1988, the long-running strategy series of SD Gundam has finally made its triumphant official debut in the west with SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays on Steam. In the convening 30+ years,…
The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan Review
In 2015, developer Supermassive Games’ surprised audiences with their tribute to cheesy horror movies, Until Dawn. Its branching story, cliche but likeable characters, and a deep understanding of the language of the genre has made it a modern horror game…
Jump Force Review
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Weekly Jump, the highly successful manga magazine, Jump Force has pulled together stars from throughout its history to do battle with one another. Pitting the likes of Goku against Kenshin or Ichigo against…
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Review
Ace Combat 7 marks the series’ console return to the fictional alternate-reality version of Earth, known as Strangereal, after 12 years. Once more, you take to the skies as an ace fighter pilot fighting to turn the tide of this…