At long last, The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie is available for Western audiences, serving as a brilliant conclusion to this arc of the series, with a tense and twisting story with drips and teasing what has yet to…
Fallen Legion Revenants Review – A Long Dark Fall
I don’t know what would be scarier, having to contend with the mutated townsfolk and monsters in a destroyed world, or having to navigate the political tight-rope of trying to gain votes and pass measures. They sound equally terrifying but…
Ys IX: Monstrum Nox Review – Adol the Red is Back!
Adol and his blue-haired pal Dogi are back, and this time there are no boats or amnesia in-sight. Instead, Adol just finds himself in chains and a prison cell. Set in the fortress-turned-prison city of Balduq in Gllia, Ys IX:…
The Legend of Heroes : Trails of Cold Steel 2 -Relentless Edition Review
*Note: There will be spoilers for the first Trails of Cold Steel game, so be sure to finish that first before reading this! As an abridged review, this game is amazing and so is the first. Don’t do yourself a…
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel Review
Combat is turn-based and takes place in an arena which you can spend a turn moving around. Take the Materia system from Final Fantasy VII, mix in the social dynamics and interaction from the later Persona titles, a cast of…