Quinten Hoffman’s Games of the Year

As the year that was 2018 begins to wrap up, I just wanted to say thank you to the Irrational Passions editorial team for taking a chance on me. This year may been have the single most impactful year in…

The Gardens Between Review

Everyone had that one friend when they were growing up who was ride or die. You were as thick as thieves, and no matter what you were there for each other when things got rough. Over time as you both…

The Gardens Between: Preview

Reminiscing about past memories can be a strange feeling, certain things can stand out and scare you. Or they can bring up happy memories, but some of those instances can be surreal to imagine.  Being in control of these memories…

The Gardens Between Preview: Unexpected beauty.
The Gardens Between is not the game I walked into the booth expecting it to be. It is not Brothers or Journey or any of the countless classic indie titles featuring a wordless narrative. This game isn't a beautiful take…