Alex makes the rounds on three of his most anticipated indie games coming this year.
PAX East 2017
Ultimate Chicken Horse Preview: A Silly Multiplayer Classic.
Ultimate Chicken Horse is a frantic, absurd, and wonderful couch co-op game, that while not the deepest experience, is one that will provide countless hours of enjoyment and fun. This game is fun, challenging, and creative at it’s most basic…
Hob Preview: Going Back Underground
My second trip to Hob’s underground was even more interesting than the one before.
Songbringer Preview: Let’s Get Trippy
Eat some cactus, have some peyote, and let’s get weird.
My Memory of Us Preview: A stunning tale of war, loss, and love.
Juggler Games new title My Memory of Us is an important video game. Serving as a metaphor for the Polish populace's treatment and story during the Second World War, the game delivers an at times haunting and darkly brilliant tale,…
The Gardens Between Preview: Unexpected beauty.
The Gardens Between is not the game I walked into the booth expecting it to be. It is not Brothers or Journey or any of the countless classic indie titles featuring a wordless narrative. This game isn't a beautiful take…
SteamWorld Dig 2 Preview: We Have to Dig Deeper
This was the first thing I needed to see when I got to PAX.
Emily is Away Too Preview: A return to heartbreak, young love, and ridin dirty
The original Emily is Away is a game that beautifully places you back in the world of your youth. Of the days of when you first fell in love, of the bittersweet nature of high school romances. I adore Emily…