Destiny 2 Review

To talk about Destiny 2 is to discuss the legacy, the evolution of what Bungie’s 2014 premiere title Destiny did, what it did wrong, and what it evolved into. Most importantly, Destiny became the game that I know, that most…

IrrationalPod Ep. 347

The Super Nintendo classic, Danganronpa, Destiny 2 (again) and moooooore.

Input Ep. 5: “SNES Classic Woes and CRUNCH”
On this week's episode we find ourselves without a Logan Wilkinson, but the pod must go on. Discussion Topics Include: The SNES Classic Pre-Order Disaster Walt Williams and Crunch  Works Mentioned: A Timeline of the aforementioned SNES Classic Pre-Order Disaster  The…
Input Ep. 2: “Tacoma, New 2DS XL, and Kickstarter”
The boys return for the second episode of Input. On the dock for this week: Tacoma and the state of indie games. Revenge of the New 2DS XL and long hardware lifespans. Kickstarter, we hardly knew ya. The health of…
IrrationalPod Ep. 337

Jurge sits down with the boys to talk Nier, Tekken, and more.

IrrationalPod Ep. 334

This podcast is a week late, but it’s also very good, so hah!

IrrationalPod Ep. 333

Alex and Tony get very INTIMATE in this one-on-one show.

Editorial: Who Really Took E3 2017?

Alex gives his two cents on how he felt the big three did at E3, from what they showed, to what they didn’t.

Alex’s E3 2017 Predictions

Alex gets to share his thoughts and feelings on the upcoming Electronic 3.

IrrationalPod Ep. 323 with Justin Graffius

Justin sits down with the crew to finally talk about the long awaited Persona 5.

IrrationalPod Ep. 322 with Andrew Taylor

Andrew Taylor returns to the show and we dive into PERSONA 5!!

PAX East Follow Ups: Flint Hook, Sundered, & Chasm

Alex makes the rounds on three of his most anticipated indie games coming this year.