From seemingly the first reveal of Days Gone I have somehow managed to become one of the biggest believers and optimists about the game and its potential. With the games release roughly a month away now and having finally had…
Control Video Preview with Alex & Mike
Alex and Mike got hands on time with Control the lastest game from Remedy studios during Pax East 2019! The 2 discuss their thoughts on the demo on the show floor and hopes for the final version of the game
Podcast Ultimate Episode 3
Podcast Ultimate is where 3 fine folks from talk all things Super Smash Bros Ultimate! In this episode we’re joined by Blessing Adeoye Jr. from! We talk about the new character revealed during the recent Nintendo Direct, The…
Eastshade Video Preview
Video Producer Mike Burgess got hands on time with Eastshade during PAX West 2018. Here’s a quick video that sums up his impressions of the the demo he played. Follow Mike here:
Toejam & Earl Back in the Groove Video Preview
Video Producer Mike Burgess got hands on time with Toejam & Earl Back in the Groove from Humanature Studios during PAX West 2018. Here’s a quick video that sums up his impressions of the the demo he played. Follow Mike…
Gris Video Preview
Video Producer Mike Burgess got hands on time with Gris from Nomada Studios during PAX West 2018. Here’s a quick video that sums up his impressions of the the demo he played. Follow Mike here: Tweets by MikeHitsTheWall
Metro: Exodus Preview
I was shivering. Who knows how long I had been outside? The sun was just beginning to fade behind the mountains. The soft and subtle crunch of the leaves and twigs beneath my feet giving away my location to any…
Devil May Cry 5 Preview
When Hideki Itsuno took the stage this year at E3 2018 and revealed that Devil May Cry was back I honestly was skeptical. Devil May Cry 4 was not my favorite of the series and while DmC was better than…
My Memory of Us Preview: A stunning tale of war, loss, and love.
The Gardens Between Preview: Unexpected beauty.
Our First PAX
Zack, Aneudys and Jacob have never been to PAX East before, so here are their thoughts of PAX East for their first time being there.
Enemy Starfighter Preview
Submerged in the depths of outerspace, phobias become a thing of the past. As the opposition flutters around you, it becomes clear; it’s either them or me. Antagonizing slowly evolved into a ruthless hunt as you stalk the approaching enemy.…