IrrationalPod Ep. 203

A podcast about Assassins.

IrrationalPod Ep. 202

Video games! This week’s show is dominated by The Binding of Isaac!

IrrationalPod Ep. 201

Happy Halloween, let’s get SPOOOOOOOOKY!

IrrationalPod Ep. 200

Happy 200 everyone! 😀

IrrationalPod Ep. 199

Video games! Podcasts! Almost at 200?! We are very excited.

IrrationalPod Ep. 198

We have writer-fighter and news-desk master Jarrett Green on this week!

IrrationalPod Ep. 197

Video games! Everyone is super tired!

IrrationalPod Ep. 196

Let’s talk about the latest video games! Destiny, Sims, Alex being asleep.

IrrationalPod Ep. 195

Alex vanishes in this week’s Irrational Passions Podcast.

IrrationalPod Ep. 194

Another week-late show. We gotta get better at this!

IrrationalPod Ep. 193

Here is the latest show, where we talk about a whole bunch of news!

IrrationalPod Ep. 192

This show is a week late, and super long, and super great.