Hero: Tales of the Tomes is a great all-in-one card game for fans of TCGs

Trading card games like Magic: The Gathering, Digimon, Final Fantasy, and others are perhaps my favorite genre of tabletop goodness. Being a child of the late ’80s and growing up in the ’90s, I attribute this love to my fond…

Millennium Blades – A competitive board game about a competitive card game

As a child of the 90s, I have grown up with and experienced my fair share of trading card games, starting with the granddaddy of them all, Magic: The Gathering, starting in around 1994. I was there when the Pokemon…

Massive-Verse Fighting Card Game Review

I’m always on the lookout for board/card games that are small, fun, and quick – aka the perfect games to throw in my bag and take with me to the local brewery with friends or to bust out during lunch.…

Godsforge Boardgame Review

Thank you to Atlas Games for providing Scott with a copy of Godsforge and the expansions that were used for this review. The Godsforge – the final source of the precious Etherium resource – is dwindling and under a constant…

The Last Gameboard – An Expensive Ask For Virtual Tabletop Players

The tabletop and board game hobby has seen a resurgence in the past decade thanks to games like Catan, Gloomhaven, and others which have shifted the perception of what the medium can offer. Thanks to the pandemic, digital versions of…

AEGIS 2nd Ignition Preview – This tabletop mech strategy game is coming back to Kickstarter with a lot more to offer!

There are few things in this world as cool as giant robots, especially those that can combine to make even bigger robots. Zephyr Workshop released the original AEGIS – Combining Robot Strategy Game back in 2018, and today, the studio…

Dustbiters offers a surprising amount of depth and strategy in a small package

After more than a year of this pandemic, I’ve gained a special appreciation for the smaller-scale board and card games, especially those games that can be played just by two individuals. Being able to sit down and in the course…

Interview with Chris Cao, Executive Producer of MTG Arena

Recently, Scott had the chance to sit down and interview the Executive Producer at Wizards of the Coast, Chris Cao, on the past, present and future of the F2P title, Magic The Gathering: Arena. He was also able to ask…

Project Witchstone – The Game That Could Change the CRPG Genre As We Know It

One aspect that computer representations of tabletop RPGs (or CRPGS) have never been able to adopt from their tabletop variety cousins is the absolute freedom of choice that comes with playing that way. The ability for players to choose and…