Each month, members of Irrational Passions will play through a new game. From modern to retro, obscure to popular, games we’ve played and those we haven’t, we will be hitting checkpoints as we go, sharing our experiences. Play along and…
Video Game Book Club: Batman: Arkham Asylum – Episode 1
Each month, members of Irrational Passions will play through a new game. From modern to retro, obscure to popular, games we’ve played and those we haven’t, we will be hitting checkpoints as we go, sharing our experiences. Play along and…
Input Ep. 44: Playerunknown Goes to Court and More
It’s a rather short episode of Input this week as we make our way to E3, but there are some interesting stories to discuss. Topics of Discussion: Playerunknown Goes to Court Apple Needs Their 30% Have the Marks Work For…
IrrationalPod Ep. 354 with Geoff Chorney
A perspective show that dives deep and cuts deeper.
Editorial: Who Really Took E3 2017?
Alex gives his two cents on how he felt the big three did at E3, from what they showed, to what they didn’t.
Lost Oddities: It’s Time to Talk About Blinx
Feature: Growing Up with a Generation
Alex recounts growing up with some of the best video game consoles to date.
Morning After: E3 2013 Pressers
Man, this year’s banquet of press conferences really told us, as consumers, how big a deal $100 and transparency is.