Ramblet Episode 3

In this Ramblet, Jarrett sits down with Josh Hinke to chat about his article “Scaring Away Talent in Triple-A Development.” We talk superstar game designers, the re-education of the gaming community, and how to make the ivory tower a better…

Woman Crush Wednesday: Amy Hennig

For the first time really since their Playstation 3 debut, people looked at Naughty Dog with a furrowed-brow and a sense of mild discomfort. Usually one of the industry’s do-no-wrong white knights, many were left feeling uneasy about the sudden…

IrrationalPod. Ep. 170

Sorry the show was late a week! I took a spontaneous vacation and thus could not edit the show at all! Download the show: iTunes Feed RSS Feed MP3 Direct Download Breakdown: We have Greg back after so long! Nabeshin…

Titanfall Review

A world where heavy artillery falls from the sky and adrenaline is constantly fueling every move you make. “Today’s civilian is tomorrow’s Militia” is the motto to live and die by if you’re ranked amongst the IMC. Consequences are a…

Ramblet Episode 2

On this Ramblet, Jarrett speaks with writer Drew Kohler of Cross Console Gamer about his article “The Church Hates Gamers” .

Woman Crush Wednesday: Anita Sarkeesian

Love her or hate her, Anita Sarkeesian has stirred up the industry with her outspoken views on feminism. What started as a decent YouTube channel with a couple hundred thousand views, she addressed the role of females in books, movies…

Dark Souls: Alex Talks

Ever wonder why I love Dark Souls? Well, it’s time to elaborate. I’ve always felt that Dark Souls provides weird reasons to keep playing it, some of which make absolutely no sense for players on the outside looking in. I…

Memoirs of a Real Gamer: Stress Meets Escapism

This is a very personal piece I’ve been wanting to write about for a while but never really knew how to structure into a coherent article. So I’m going to just write out my thoughts and feelings and see where…

6 Ways to Survive in Dark Souls 2

Dark Souls is a cruel mistress, one that will make you pay if you even think of disrespecting her.

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Review

Remember the time when Plants vs. Zombies was just an innocent puzzle game that had some witty humor behind it? Even though the humor is still alive in Garden Warfare, PopCap decided they’d throw any amount of comfort out the…

Women Crush Wednesday: Jennifer Hale

There are many reasons to make your Commander Shepard a female. Maybe you are a lady, and the best way to truly engage yourself in the narrative is to create a character as close a resemblance to you as possible.…

Outlast Review

It takes a lot to scare people in this day and age. From the gore-packed movies and TV shows to the uptick of violence in video games, people have become desensitized to being affected by these fears.  I walked into…