Mario Kart 8 Hypecast

Picking up Mario Kart 8 today? Well get excited with our first Hypecast! Alex and Nabeshin sit down with guests Harold Price and Ben Breese to discuss their favorite Mario Kart memories and moments, which entries in the franchise they…

The Wolf Among Us: In Sheep’s Clothing Review

There’s something missing in the 4th episode of Telltale’s The Wolf Among Us. The writing is consistently high quality, it runs as it always has, but it’s somewhat empty in comparison to every installment before it. In a vacuum, this…

The Timeless (and Frustrating) Tropes of JRPGs

There are few genres as synonymous with hardcore gaming like the RPG. There was a time in history when the Japanese dominated console gaming with their particular brand of role playing, based loosely on the pen and paper variety at…

Rumors: Alex Talks

Yes, I know I am once again taking the “preachy” route, but I think this is definitely an important topic to cover in this “E3 Season” we are entering. E3 rumors are literally flooding every message board that exists about…

The Long and the Short of it: A Debate Over Longevity in Games.

The essence of longevity in a game is something that most gamers strictly ask for, but do we really want a long game? A game that keeps us away from playing others because of its length? Does the fact that…

IrrationalPod Ep. 179

Another podcast, full of Xbox One talk and theories on what’s next for them.

The Walking Dead: Season 2- In Harm’s Way Review

I was incredibly worried about this episode. Anyone who read my review of Episode One will know that. I wasn’t exactly lenient during my stay on the IP spoiler casts either. I curdled at the thought of sitting through another…

Child of Light Review

I don’t know what to feel. Since it was first revealed earlier this year, I had nothing but great expectations for this game. Storybook RPG built on the UbiArt engine? That’s a great premise on paper. But by the end…

MaliciousPodX Ep. 12

It’s our monthly anime show! Enjoy!

7 Ways to Get Awesome at Hearthstone

If you’ve gotten this far, than you and I have at least one thing in common: we think Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is pretty rad. But maybe you’ve given it a couple games and things just aren’t working out. Or maybe…

Microsoft: Primed and Ready

Microsoft has set themselves up for a huge success come this June. With the Xbox One reaching parity price with the Playstation 4, all they need is another software push to really drive home how serious they are about games.

Alex Talks: Cynical Things and Xbox Ones

It’s a double-feature today. Initially I thought there wouldn’t be any crazy news, but it ends up Microsoft decided to throw an axe in that one. Okay first, the regularly-schedule-chat about cynicism in the games industry (attached). This one is…