A note about the podcast’s favorite title of 2017.
Game of the Year
Logan Wilkinson’s Top Ten Games of 2017
2017 has been a year huh? As political upheaval, cultural tumult, and a society debating about where to go next hangs heavy over all of our heads, the video game industry stepped up and produced one of the single finest…
2014 Game of the Year Show: Day 5
The final day is here, and we have decided on our 2014 Game of the Year.
2014 Game of the Year Show: Day 4
Today may be the most fun day, so prepare for some good jams.
2014 Game of the Year Show: Day 3
The day about arguing over HD remixes is upon us.
Alex O’Neill’s Top 10 Games of 2014
Yes, I’m special and get my own post for my list. You can listen or read it, whichever you want! Or, even do both!
2014 Top 10 Lists: Friday
It’s the final day of silly lists and fun times. Not necessarily the end of our GOTY content, as mentioned on Monday’s post, next week will have our five-part GOTY show. Anyway, today we have lists from the members of…
2014 Top 10 Lists: Wednesday
The third day of Top 10s is here, and it has more anime than you can shake a fist at.