Life is Strange: Chaos Theory Review

Chaos Theory reiterates one, what a skilled developer Dontnod is, and two, how much of a welcome surprise Life is Strange really is. With Chaos Theory, they’ve completely leveled the playing field, quite literally changing the game and everything we…

Mortal Kombat X Review

To watch the viscera-replete finishing move of Ermac, with its sadistic and oddly humorous overtones, is to know humanity at its truest. Why does watching a mummy use his magical brain powers to slowly draw the digestive tract out of…

Life is Strange: Out of Time Review

By my choice, this review does spoil Life is Strange: Out of Time’s final scene. It is relevant to the game, the story and to all incoming players as far as I’m concerned, but feel free to ignore this review…

Axiom Verge Review

Tom Happ is clearly a huge fan of Super Metroid, as just about every aspect of Axiom Verge is a carefully crafted and beautiful love letter to everything that Super Metroid was and still is today. Made entirely by one…

Evolve Review

You’ve been tailing this monster for a solid 15 minutes, yet it always seems to be two steps ahead of you. Either it’s flying away just when you try and trap it in your arena or sneak attacking a party…

The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D Review

Majora’s Mask is almost as much a black sheep to its franchise as Zelda II, yet remains lovingly special for all of its out there quirks. It’s confusing, weird, and doesn’t ever hold your hand, for better and for worse.…

Game of Thrones: The Lost Lords Review

Iron from Ice was Telltale’s first attempt at capturing the essence of the wildly successful HBO show within the walls of its point and click adventure formula. It did so with mixed results. The Lost Lords, as a whole, takes…

Dying Light Review

There’s a moment, after running from some unnaturally relentless zombies, that you find reprieve in collection of shanties walled off by all manner of heavy makeshift barrier materials. Amongst it’s inhabitants is a movie director. He convinces you to take…

Life is Strange: Chrysalis Review

Max Caulfield just got into one of the best high schools in the country for art students. This has her returning to her home town of Arcadia Bay, but also has her stumbling into an insane dream, a vision perhaps?…

Game of Thrones Episode 1: Iron from Ice Review

Westeros is a dangerous, unforgiving place full of cutthroats who both lurk in the shadows and sit amongst thrones. It’s a place where every new day you spend alive is one more day you can count yourself amongst the lucky,…

Vainglory Review

MOBAs, or Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas, are the new plateau of the the PC evangelists. Like the Action RPGs of old, anyone who is a primarily PC player probably also is a moderate League of Legends or DOTA participant. The…

Warhammer 40000 Review

Science fiction has a great reputation for setting the bar high when it comes to progress in social, technological, and military spheres (among many others). Unlike other fiction genres, Sci-fi isn’t held so strictly to conventional logic and reason. I…