Join us on a trip to Nintendoland! Your monthly source for Nintendo News and games chat from! In this episode, We finally got a new Nintendo Direct which shoveled a ton of announcements on us like Pikmin 4,…
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Trip to Nintendoland Ep 21: Live Más A Live
Join us on a trip to Nintendoland! Your monthly source for Nintendo News and games chat from! In this episode, There’s tons of news to talk about like the recent Splatoon & Pokemon directs, more allegations of harassment of…
Trip to Nintendoland Ep.20: #SaveDinsoaurOffice
Join us on a trip to Nintendoland! Your monthly source for Nintendo News and games chat from! In this episode, We talk about all the hubub around Nintendo sticking to Twitter to announce all their news like Bayonetta 3’s…
Trip to Nintendoland Ep.18: Wario Farts
Join us on a trip to Nintendoland! Your monthly source for Nintendo News and games chat from! In this episode, We are waiting with bated breath for the next Direct but that just lets us get in some juicy…
Trip to Nintendoland Ep.16: Miyamoto’s Virtuous Cycle
Join us on a trip to Nintendoland! Your monthly source for Nintendo News and games chat from! In this episode, We have a lot of news and games to talk about! Including E3 2022 being canceled, New Pokemon games…
A Trip to Nintendoland Ep.7 – Next in the HD/2D Series!
Join us on a trip to Nintendoland! Your monthly source for Nintendo News and games chat from! In this episode, Mike & Alex are joined by AJ McRae from Fanatix Four to talk about the Nintendo Direct that dropped…
Etrian Odyssey Nexus Review
After 12 years, Atlus’ long-running dungeon-crawling series is coming to its conclusion on Nintendo’s dual-screened family of handheld systems with Etrian Odyssey Nexus. As a send-off to the series, Nexus is packed full of nostalgic nods to the series’ past…
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey REDUX Review
Demons, Angels, and humans oh my! Shin Megami Tensei returns once again to Nintendo’s immortal handheld platform the 3DS! This time we get a remastered version of the Nintendo DS title Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey that was originally released…
Professor RPG: Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey REDUX Basics Primer
Welcome students, Professor RPG here! Need help understanding the Equipment Fusion system in Tales of Zestiria? Perhaps you would like a more deep dive into the history of Ivalice? What in the world does the Intelligence stat do in that…
Professor RPG: The Alliance Alive Basics Primer
Welcome students, Professor RPG here! Need help understanding the Equipment Fusion system in Tales of Zestiria? Perhaps you would like a more deep dive into the history of Ivalice? What in the world does the Intelligence stat do in that…
The Alliance Alive Review
Switch be damned, there is still life in the Nintendo 3DS! The Alliance Alive proves that the 3DS is alive and kicking (see what I did there?). Developed by Cattle Call and published by Atlus, this game adopts and refines…