Until We Meet Again

To my dear readers, listeners, and friends, I really never thought I’d write this letter, or that when I shared this news, it’d be under very different circumstances. But people change, and time flows endlessly in new directions. Here is…

A Slight Transition!

Hello all, editor-in-chief here, checking in with a little bit of business that I consider important and would like to make the occasion of with a small post just outlining the info. If you haven’t heard, I am transgender! Yay!…

Our First Official Piece of Merch!

Hey! We’re selling stuff!

Five Years

So if you follow me on Twitter, or listen to the podcast or even follow me on my personal blog, you know this past week has been a time for reflection. I speak for myself, as well as Scott and…

Irrational Passions Was On A Break

As you may or may not have noticed, our weekly posts and weekly podcasts seems to have completely dropped off the earth, and I just wanted to take a second to explain this. So I, Alex, the host of the…

Irrational Passions MIA

We know we have been a bit MIA over the past two weeks, but I assure you, everything is a-okay. Better than okay, even! Now if you all have been keeping up with the podcast, you’ll know that Irrational Podtacular…

IrrationalPod Ep. 50! One Year of IPP!

Guys, one year ago ippodcast.net launched as did the Irrational Passions Podcast on VGEvo.com’s Non-Network podcast shows. Now here we are, one year later, as a Retroids Podcast Network podcast, celebrating our year of shenanigans with a live show!

Irrational Passions Joins Retroids

Guys, we have some awesome news, meaning awesome things are coming!

Review Format Update

We’re always updating what we do, trying to stay up to date, so now we’re updating our review format! Look past the break for more.

New URL. New Email. Same Business.

Yeah guys, we have officially gone sexy style. We have taken Irrational Passions to the next level, leaving behind that ippodcast.net bullshit behind us, its time for all the dot coms your head can handle! Here is a rundown of…

New Partnership with Slim Gamer

Hey Irrationalites! So this is Alex here, and I wanted to tell you about a partnership Irrational Passions has set up with our friends over at Slim Gamer. Check out the details after the break.

Fresh and New

Welcome people, to the new WordPress site for Irrational Passions Podcast! I’m sure you have a lot of questions, such as “double website, all the way across the sky, what does it MEAN?!”