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The Last Gameboard – An Expensive Ask For Virtual Tabletop Players
The tabletop and board game hobby has seen a resurgence in the past decade thanks to games like Catan, Gloomhaven, and others which have shifted the perception of what the medium can offer. Thanks to the pandemic, digital versions of…
Destiny 2: Prepare For Lightfall
Welcome back Guardians! It’s another month, and we are on the precipice for what may be Bungie’s biggest expansion to Destiny 2 ever, at least on a mechanical and story level. I’ve had a lot of great conversations about the…
D2 Column: Five Things Working For Destiny 2, Five Problems with Destiny 2
Welcome fellow Guardians and non-Guardians alike, to my brand new monthly Destiny 2 column! I hope that this will serve as a month-to-month discussion on the goings-on of Destiny 2, and I hope to be able to produce a sort…
Digimon Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition is a Great Example of How Game Collections on Switch Should Be Done
The Nintendo Switch is no stranger to the video game collections market. With the likes of Final Fantasy X / X-2, Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1+2, Mega Man Legacy Collection 1+2, already on the system, I am thrilled to…
Place and Purpose – Desert Golfing
Welcome to Place and Purpose. This is a column in which I dive into certain game environments and unravel the emotions that they evoke from the player. Breathe in, breathe out. This is something you say to yourself over and…
Place & Purpose: Bloodborne
Welcome to Place and Purpose. This is a column in which I dive into certain game environments and unravel the emotions that they evoke from the player. Waking up for the first time after what felt like departing the world…
Gaming Memories vol.1 : The Lava Lamp vs. Final Fantasy 3
Having grown up around video games since the day I was born, they have been a large part of it. As such, I have many memories, some good, some bad, and some weird. This is one of those memories. It…
Professor RPG – Xenoblade Chronicles 2 BLADE Basics
A new column from Scott White breaking down systems and history of your soon-to-be favorite RPGs.
Simply Mechanics: Destiny’s Leviathan Raid
Let’s take a nice long look at Destiny 2’s infamous Leviathan Raid.