Hey Irrationalites! So this is Alex here, and I wanted to tell you about a partnership Irrational Passions has set up with our friends over at Slim Gamer. Check out the details after the break.
First of all, check out www.SlimGamer.com to see our new friends. They’re pretty cool guys, and we think you’ll like them.
Secondly, don’t worry, our content is still going to stay fresh and exciting as it always is, there is just going to be some new things going on, mostly behind the scenes.
One thing you’ll notice is a blogpost for the podcast will go up both here and on Slim Gamer’s website. They should be pretty standard and universal as they have always been.
Next, you may see some more content come up here on our site from some of the writers over at Slim Gamer. As well, you may see our writers putting posts up there.
For any kind of review copies or codes we receive from Slim Gamer, we’ll write a review that will go up on their site first for a full week, and then come up here on our site. Expect that to be more of a special occasion. For the reviews that will generate more traffic, they may go up on both sites at once, you never know.
That’s pretty much it. You may see some links on Slim Gamer leading back to us, but as I said, most of what you’re used to will remain the same, just a bit more content on both sites. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to put them up in the comments section!