Pyre is Supergiant Games’ next mic drop.
Jarrett’s Favorite Soundtrack: Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
There are few elements to a game more important than the way it sounds. Even a game with very little story or very sparse gameplay usually has sound effects and a score. Completely silent games died with MUDs made in…
Audio Interview: Darren Korb of SupergiantGames
I got the pleasure of interviewing Darren Korb, of SupergiantGames. For those who don’t know, he is the audio director for the company, and also the one who made the Bastion soundtrack, with the help of Ashley Barrett (as mentioned…
PAX East 2013: Transistor Preview
SuperGiantGames set a pretty high precedent for a first game out of a completely new developer. Some magical experience with a voice over unlike anything you had seen, heard, or experienced before. Suffice to say: the bar starts high and…
IrrationalPod Ep. 56
Mr. InDis himself joins our Irrational crew this week for Episode 56: No Butt Hole, No Care!