Happy Halloween! My favorite time of the year, the only time it’s socially acceptable to knock on people’s doors dressed up as who knows what asking for stuff, be it tricks or treats. As with last years Writers Ramble Podcast,…
Aneudys Top 5 Scariest Moments In Games
In the spirit of Halloween, what better way to celebrate than by running down my personal top five scary moments in gaming.
Jacob’s Top 5 Scariest Games
In the spirit of Halloween, what better way than to go over some of the games, and moments, that crippled me with fear?
Must Play for Halloween: Bioshock
When it comes to horror games, I have a love for them by how much I fear what’s around every corner, but I can never put it down. Even though Dead Space is one of my favorite franchises, Bioshock scared…
Happy Halloween!
So the guys over at Visceral Games decided to put a little Dead Space 2 trailer together just for Halloween! So Happy Halloween guys, and enjoy the trailer!