IrrationalPod Ep. 150

A grand celebration of three years worth of podcasts!

IrrationalPod Ep. 100

Yes, episode 100 has come and gone, and holy crap was it a doozy. As we did do this show live, you can watch the video of it anytime over at, which I would highly suggest for this particular…

IrrationalPod Ep. 99

To be ready for the big 100, we get all of the giggles out early on. Get ready for craziness to come. Download iTunes MP3 RSS Breakdown: We are everyone minus Evan, because he is still, and perpetually, on vacation.…

IrrationalPod Ep. 50! One Year of IPP!

Guys, one year ago launched as did the Irrational Passions Podcast on’s Non-Network podcast shows. Now here we are, one year later, as a Retroids Podcast Network podcast, celebrating our year of shenanigans with a live show!