Yes, episode 100 has come and gone, and holy crap was it a doozy. As we did do this show live, you can watch the video of it anytime over at, which I would highly suggest for this particular show. The audio quality on the video is a little less than the actual mp3 file, but those are the consents you make when streaming on the internet. Anyway: to the breakdown!
- We are all in the same room for the first time ever! Exciting, right?
- BE WARNED: This episode is unedited, so awkward silences and explicit things are galore in here!
- We kick things off by talking up a storm about ourselves and Evan’s crappy adventures.
- We talk about Maryland, Joe being little, and other things. Nabeshin hates Alex guys.
- Video games include a whole-lotta Spelunky, some Theatrerhythm, and more good stuff!
- In news we run down a few unimportant headlines and take a call from Plankfan!
- After the second break and tons of pizza, we talk to Rob, who then becomes an obsession, and then we talk to him for real.
- That’s the show, and don’t you forget it!
- Happy 100 episodes, and thank you all so much for listening! We couldn’t have done it without you!
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Irrational Passions is going to PAX Prime this August/September! Got anything you want us to see there? Wanna meet us there? Let us know ASAP!
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Our guests: @Asophia (Lady Alex, of Roommates), @usfhbomb (Harold Price, host of Cross Border Gaming), @Plankfan, (Host of the Undeadcast), @DeckardTroll, (Our fantastic producer and host of the Undeadcast), and @Gamecrashers, our friend, and host of Gamercrashers Podcast!
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