Editorial: Who Really Took E3 2017?

Alex gives his two cents on how he felt the big three did at E3, from what they showed, to what they didn’t.

Specter of Torment Review

The baseline Shovel Knight is an excellent addition to anyone’s list of “classic games,” whether it came out in 2014 or not. It so beautifully fits into a niche where others try and try again, but fail, and Yacht Club…

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Review

The Legend of Zelda has, at multiple points in the history of games, redefined both itself and a lineage of games that would follow in its footsteps. All of this comes with the extreme caveat of the direction the franchise would…

IrrationalPod Ep. 321 with Dustin Furman

We dive all the way in on Zelda and Mass Effect with special guest: Dustin Furman!

Preview: Nintendo Tour with ARMS and Splatoon 2

Nintendo is hitting hard with upcoming Switch exclusives. Are they fun?

IrrationalPod Ep. 304 with Harold Price

Video games. GAMES! Persona got delayed and Switch rumors are around, so Harold joins us to sift the madness.

Editorial: Switch-Stepping to the Side

Time to face the facts: the Nintendo Switch may just not be for you.