IrrationalPod Ep. 196

Let’s talk about the latest video games! Destiny, Sims, Alex being asleep.

Velocity 2X Review

The arcade space shoot em up is, quite literally, one of the oldest genres in gaming. From Spacewar! back in the 70’s, “shmups” have taken the last 50 years to iterate and refine the art of flying in one direction…

Ramblet Episode 6

This Ramblet features Chris Wagar of Gather Your Party and his article “Tripping on Air: Why Game Journalists Can’t Describe Games”. Spawned by an article written dissing Super Smash Bros. fans, Chris waxes poetic about a general inability to accurately…

Tales of Xillia 2 Review

Tales of Xillia was a huge departure for Bandai Namco’s Tales franchise. It’s sequel continues that trend in a new way, introducing mechanics and elements not only foreign to the Tales series, but also to most JRPG franchises. Pushing to…

IrrationalPod Ep. 195

Alex vanishes in this week’s Irrational Passions Podcast.

IrrationalPod Ep. 194

Another week-late show. We gotta get better at this!

MaliciousPod X Ep. 16

This month we actually watch an anime we like. I promise.

FanFiction Friday: Knuckles

It can be difficult to play the part of the red-headed step-child; the one who gets the short end of the stick, the one left out of plans, and/or the one who swells inside their own isolation. Unfortunately for our…

Monthly Passions August 2014

Another month past, so it’s time to check in and see what the team has been playing!

Telltale’s The Walking Dead Season 2 Review

Be warned this review does contain spoilers. It is recommended you play Season One and Two of Telltale’s The Walking Dead before viewing. Clementine’s struggle is very real: she is a child in a horrifying and unforgiving world, and the…

Ramblet Episode 5

Ramblets are back! With Jarrett this episode is Mike Eaton of to discuss his article “4 Reasons Why Bungie Needs to Announce Destiny Remastered Now.” As it is just in time for Destiny Day, keep in mind the article…

IrrationalPod Ep. 193

Here is the latest show, where we talk about a whole bunch of news!