Review Discussions are an initiative to talk past or beyond a review or in place of a written/video review in a more timely manner. They’re an interview-style discussion hoping to discuss specific aspects of the game in question that may or may not be included in the written review. In some cases the discussion will be the only critical conversation we put out for a game, in others it may complement a review.
For full disclosure, the PR representative of this title is a personal friend of the reviewer.
Quin Hoffman is joined by Andrew Cogswell of Uppercut to discuss, the adventure game where you capture creatures which are kinda bug and kinda snack, Bugsnax!
Bugsnax has you traveling to Snaktooth Island to uncover the truth behind the mystery behind the creatures which inhabit the island.
Listen to it on Apple Podcasts!
Quin’s Thoughts in Review: The most fun I had in Bugsnax was when I solving the mystery and watching the ecological structures of the island work, but these are also the parts which hurt the game. You have to be the one constantly interacting with the local bugsnax to get these interactions to happen. Even the narrative falls victim to this as well, you as the player character are very much the driving force which makes the world feel less lived in. On top of this, the big narrative reveal at the end of the game feel flat for me because it was visible earlier with the game. There is a lot of heart in Bugsnax but the game falters occasionally.
Quin was provided with a review code of Bugsnax by a PR representative.