Review Discussions are an initiative to talk past or beyond a review or in place of a written/video review in a more timely manner. They’re an interview-style discussion hoping to discuss specific aspects of the game in question that may or may not be included in the written review. In some cases the discussion will be the only critical conversation we put out for a game, in others it may complement a review.
Hello and welcome to the Irrational Passions Review Discussion for Dangerous Driving. For this discussion, our editor and reviewer Jurge Cruz-Alvarez sits down with Blessing Adeoye Jr. of Ok Beast to critique Dangerous Driving.
Watch Blessing’s video essay, Why Burnout 3: Takedown is the Peak of Arcade-Style Racing
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Listen to our discussion for our full review thoughts!
Jurge’s Thoughts in Summary
Dangerous Driving remembers a time when the Burnout franchise was once the fastest and most intense arcade racer out there, a time when the arcade racer was still alive and well. Developed by many of the talented folks from the original Criterion Games who brought the Burnout series to prominence, there’s no mistake that Dangerous Driving is an homage to Burnout 3: Takedown. From its font choice in its menus to its explosive takedowns, there’s an intense feeling of nostalgia that came over me when first playing Dangerous Driving, but as far as this team has gone with Dangerous Driving, it’s just not all the way there. There’s certainly some fun to be had with Dangerous Driving for those starving for that type of racer, I’m sure I will re-visit it regularly, but the small things missing really stand out and leave you wanting more.
This game was reviewed on a PS4 Pro with code provided to Jurge by a PR representative of the game.