Not too long ago, I found myself in my local Gamestop with about 20 of my old Xbox games. I never played them, so why keep them around? Let’s be honest, most games that I play, I borrow from Alex. I don’t really have too much of a collection going on.
Once the employee had priced out my trade-in, he let me know that if I decided to go with store credit, Gamestop would be able to pay me almost 50% more for the games. Obviously, I went with the credit option, netting myself $109 in Gamestop credit.
Obviously, I spent $100 of that on Riot Points.
Here is exactly what I netted with 100 dollars in League of Legends:
- 7 Rune page bundle. (These things are REALLY expensive)
- Champion: Lulu
- Champion: Varus
- Champion: Nautilus
- Champion: Talon
- Champion: Thresh
- Champion: Elise
- Champion: Miss Fortune
- Champion: Rengar
- Champion: Fizz
- Champion: Hecarim
- Champion: Olaf
- Skin: Pentakill Olaf
- Skin: Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
Thats it!
To be fair, almost all of these champions were the maximum priced 6300 Influence Point champions, and the skins both priced the same. Being the massive League fan that I am, this actually seems worth my money. I can play a lot of new content in my favorite computer game all by trading in a bunch of old games. Well, except for Fable II and III; Gamestop doesn’t like Fable.
PS: Buy Thresh. He chains up all the girls, but never leaves a bro hangin’ far behind him in lane.