Hey all, this is the written version of the Irrational Passions Podcast: Game of the Year 2012 Show. If you’re curious on how we came to these conclusions, be sure to listen to Episode 112.
Best IPP Title of 2012
Runners up:
-The Pedo Cole Train Got Served Knives IN THE PAST because we had over 20 Titles this Week! aka The Longest Title Ever (Ep 96)
-Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That (Ep 98)
Best Previous Year Game of 2012
Runners Up:
-Kingdom Hearts 2 FInal Mix +
-Sly Cooper Collection
Best New Hero/Anti-Hero
Runners Up:
-Asura (Asura’s Wrath)
-Haythem (Assassin’s Creed III)
Best New Villain
Runners Up:
-Raul Menendez (Call of Duty: Black Ops 2)
-Vaas Montenegro (Far Cry 3)
Best Bro
(Garrus Vakarian; Mass Effect 3)
Runners Up:
-Riku (Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance)
-Yosuke (Persona 4 Golden)
Best Love Interest
(Tali; Mass Effect 3)
Runners Up:
-Liara (Mass Effect 3)
-Chie (Persona 4 Golden)
Worst New Character
(The Kid; Mass Effect 3)
-Kai Leng (Mass Effect 3)
-White People (Far Cry 3)
Best Drunk
(Tali; Mass Effect 3)
Runners Up:
-Yukiko (Persona 4 Golden)
-Rise (Persona 4 Golden)
Most “Irrational” Game
Runners Up:
-Rhythm Heaven Fever
-Asura’s Wrath
The Walrus Award for Best Game that isn’t Assassin’s Creed, Call of Duty, Battlefield or Minecraft
(Sly Cooper HD)
Runners Up:
-Borderlands 2
-Rock Band 2 & 3
Best Experience
(Going Under Water; Frog Fractions)
Runners Up:
-Rannoch Mission (Mass Effect 3)
-The Slide (Journey)
Most Surprising Game
Runners Up:
-Asura’s Wrath
Best HD Remake
Runners Up:
-Ratchet & Clank HD Collection
-Persona 4 Golden
Best New IP
Runners Up:
-Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale
-Mark of the Ninja
Best Soundtrack
Runners Up:
-Mass Effect 3
Best Downloadable Game
Runners Up:
-The Walking Dead
Best Rhythm Game
Runners Up:
-Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
-Rock Band Blitz
Best RPG
Runners Up:
-Mass Effect 3
-Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Best Fighting Game
Runners Up:
-Street Fighter X Tekken
-Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale
Best Shooter
Runners Up:
-Halo 4
-Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Best Action Adventure Game
Runners Up:
-Asura’s Wrath
Best DLC
Runners Up:
-Mass Effect 3 (Leviathan)
-Asura’s Wrath (Part IV)
Most Improved Sequel
Runners Up:
-Lego Batman 2
-Far Cry 3
Best Multiplayer
Runners Up:
-Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale
Best Ending
Runners Up:
-The Walking Dead
Best 3DS Game
Runners Up:
-Kid Icarus Uprising
-Professor Layton and The Miracle Mask
Best Vita Game
Runners Up:
-Gravity Rush
-LittleBigPlanet Vita
Best WiiU Game
Runners Up:
-Scribblenauts Unlimited
Best 360-Only Game
Runners Up:
-Halo 4
Best PS3-Only Game
Runners Up:
-Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale
-Tokyo Jungle
Best PC Game
Runners Up:
-Guild Wars 2
Best Multiplatform Game
Runners Up:
-Borderlands 2
-Far Cry 3
Most Disappointing Game
(Assassin’s Creed III)
Runners Up:
-Lollipop Chainsaw
-New Super Mario Bros 2
Best Guility Pleasure
Runners Up:
-Pokemon Black/White 2
-Tales of Graces f
Most Unnecessarily Long Title
Runners Up:
-Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
-Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus
Dumbest Name of the Year
Runners Up:
-Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Worst Game
Top Five Games of 2012 and Overall Game of the Year
2) Persona 4 Golden
3) Fez
4) Far Cry 3
5) Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
There you have it guys. Be sure to listen to each member of the podcast’s personal Top 10 games of 2012.