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A very specific show, sorry for the delay!
We open the show with some updates. Check out the latest articles and episodes of our other shows on the website!!
Our weeks are all about selling houses, Doctor Who, Adventure Time, Middle School Memories, and so much more. It’s really crazy.
We discuss some last-year games to fill out what we’ve been playing. Broken Age, Metro Last Light, Puppeteer and Spelunky are the mainstays.
News this week is talking about the fate of Nintendo, NPds, and some other small stories.
New releases!
We have a couple emails to talk about, and a great voicemail. (Evan steps out here!)
Alex has a special request for those of you who listen to the end of the show! Please tune in!
That’s the show!
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Leave us a google voice voicemail at (404) 590-1337 [its like leet, ’cause it is] Standard long distance fees apply!
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