Greeting and salutations Passionettes and welcome to a new monthly article for the site called The Monthly Passions. This is where we from Irrational Passions post about the best games we play for in the month of it’s release. These are just quick opinion pieces on what we think about the game and highlight why we think it’s the game of the month. Keep in mind that these are not reviews. We have a separate section for those with Pros/Cons and an overall score. Think of The Monthly Passions as when we are at our highs on the game and just want to express our love for. So enjoy and leave feedback as we might continue doing this in the future.
Anarchy Reigns
I don’t know what it is about Platinum Games that just seems to scratch my itch on what I like about Japanese video games. Though not the deepest or certainly not the best game from the studio, Anarchy Reigns brings your standard old school beat ‘em-up to the modern age in the funnest way possible. The uniqueness of the characters and the over the top gameplay just makes its so enjoyable to play. Pack it in with multiplayer, a killer soundtrack, and freaking Bayonetta top it all off and you’ve got one of the best games I played in the month of January.
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
There is something magical about Studio Ghibli, that is for sure. Imagine the of those minds in a videogame, and then make it one of the most robust JRPGs of the last couple of years. Ni No Kuni is beautiful, fun, and has an incredible world that tells a really powerful story about death. Though the game isn’t perfect and has some problems, it is definitely a wild ride, and a fantastic first-month-of-2013 game.
See my full review here.
DmC Devil May Cry
With the reboot of DmC Devil May Cry, Ninja Theory has given Dante a new life and story; this fantastic action game makes me love Devil May Cry even more than before. Putting Dante together with his brother Vergil to fight the demon Mundas was awesome and was exactly what I was looking for in the new reboot. DmC Devil May Cry is definitely my pick for January 2013.