Alex’s E3 2016 Predictions

Here is what I think is gonna happen, and I’m probably wrong.

The Unfair War Against the AAA Publisher

Almost without fail, when you mention one of gaming’s giant publishers, “educated” gamers coil like snakes, and proceed to rattle off the many reasons that they won’t let these mega corps tread on them. “Annualised games are killing the business.”…

Opinion: What Does “$60” Mean Anymore?

Games come out in all different shapes and sizes nowadays, from bite-sized iOS games, to handfuls of downloadable games, and to armfuls of retail games. But does it always really fall into place that easily? Is it really on a…

Road to E3 2012: My Thoughts, Hopes, and Predictions

E3 2012 is going to be a doozy. There is no more denying of this fact. For all intents and purposes, we are entering the next generation of consoles this year, and whether that is Nintendo jumping on the HD…