Welcome fellow Guardians and non-Guardians alike, to my brand new monthly Destiny 2 column! I hope that this will serve as a month-to-month discussion on the goings-on of Destiny 2, and I hope to be able to produce a sort…
Aneudys Top 5 Picks of E3
E3 is long gone, and it’s safe to say the dust has settled. With solid conferences all around, from Ubisoft to Sony, I took some time to pick out some of my favorite announcements from the event. I’m not going…
Throwback Thursday: Sly Cooper
Staggered breath. Silent steps towards the unexpected. Your arrival is confidential, no one suspecting you prowling from up above. From stealth to a stampede, you attack, a sudden surprise to the enemy. Petrified by shock leaves little time to brace…
IrrationalPod Ep. 93
Please download! iTunes MP3 RSS Breakdown: This week Scott jumps in late (with some weird audio in the second half) and we are all missing our regional new-release pro, Evan Wall. When we recap our weeks, there is a lot…
Irrational Passions Games of 2010
So 2010 is gone and is oh very much so in the past, but we gave out plenty of wards and honorable mentions to games on Episode 25 of Irrational Passions Podcast. Here are our picks for the categories we…
Top 5 Worst VG Characters Part 1
Me and the Irrational Crew believe that there is something special to a great character in a video game. Whether your favorite be Cloud from Final Fantasy 7, Abe from Oddwolrd, or Dante from Devil May Cry, there is something…