Opinion: Success in Downloads

I questioned in the first part of this piece what the real meaning of “$60,” or “retail games,” is. Pricing has become so competitive amongst different marketplaces or retailers in the games industry, and because of Steam, the Playstation Store,…

Kickstarter Picks: GTFO A Film About Women in Gaming

Kickstarter is a growing website of interest for pretty much any industry you can name. We have already shouted out a few Kickstarter campaigns, so to continue the interest, we have created a new type of article called “Kickstarter Picks”,…

Monaco Review

Monaco has really been around forever. It’s been making the PAX rounds ever since it won the IGF back in 2010, but now it is out, and is very real. It’s a game about heists, it’s a game about humor…

Kickstarter Picks – Errant Heart

Kickstarter is a good source for indie developers to get the funds they need to make a game. Sometimes, it’s the first game they’re ever making. Although, the drawback of this method is that if these games don’t get lots…

Black Rock Shooter(Import)

There’s all kinds of gamers out there. There’s gamers that love to play sports games, and that’s their largest amount of gaming time they spend on. There’s gamers that love their fighting games, and they go so far as to…

IrrationalPod Ep. 125

A fun-filled show with insane references to “Hella”. iTunes MP3 RSS Breakdown: Tony joins Alex, Nabeshin, and Evan, a little late. We start things off by saying we love America and that you should check out all the cool content…

Persona 4 Animation Commentary: Ep. 1

This is the first of many commentaries coming from the IP team, starting with our multi-part commentary for Persona 4 The Animation. This episode covers episodes one, two, and three. Commentors are Alex, Nabeshin, & Greg. You can download it…

Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall Review.

I was always open with my belief that Dishonored was “good’, but wasn’t some mind-blowingly amazing game that revitalizes it’s franchise. That being said, I was excited to hear there was more Dishonored coming in The Knife of Dunwall, because…

BioShock Infinite Spoilercast

Yes, the long-awaited BioShock Infinite Spoilercast. Its been done for about two weeks, but since there have been CRAZY things happening in my life, I’ve had to whittle away at the edit, so here it is, for your listening pleasure.…

IrrationalPod Ep. 124

We talk about tons of stuff in the action-packed four-man show! Download: iTunes MP3 RSS Breakdown: Nabeshin and Alex of course, followed by Greg (back from the dead!) and Evan. There is a Nep voicemail here! Our weeks include storms…

Opinion: What Does “$60” Mean Anymore?

Games come out in all different shapes and sizes nowadays, from bite-sized iOS games, to handfuls of downloadable games, and to armfuls of retail games. But does it always really fall into place that easily? Is it really on a…

IrrationalPod Ep. 123

Short show this week, because we recorded late, and we released late last week, and we’re releasing late this week, gah! We’re very behind, and very sorry about it! Download: iTunes MP3 RSS Breakdown: We have a short show and…