Oh, I didn’t see you there. It’s about to get real intense. No seriously, I get pretty worked up in this one. Passion. Irrationally so.
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Hey! You can watch these now! It’s just like the unedited versions of IrrationalPod, but you can see the Google Doc we use looks like!
[youtube id=”cXcDmABiTPU” width=”600″ height=”350″]
Today’s song is Summer (Tropicala) from Stardew Valley:
[youtube id=”y_ezfsJ4-Lw” width=”600″ height=”350″]
Today’s Categories:
Best Experience/Moment
The “I’ve Said My Piece” Award for Things That Needs to STOP
Most Surprising Game
Best Visuals
Worst Game of the Year (that we didn’t play but are still judging because we’re assholes)