One of Irrationality Yes, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Dan Amrich of joins us in Irrationality, only to tell us how awesome Pac-Man is, but more on that later. Listen in to this crazy show full of…
Irrational Passions Games of 2010
So 2010 is gone and is oh very much so in the past, but we gave out plenty of wards and honorable mentions to games on Episode 25 of Irrational Passions Podcast. Here are our picks for the categories we…
IrrationalPod Ep. 26
2011 Without Pants! Yes. We’re back in the new year! This time, we have so much to say, we decide to let our guests say it for us! We broadcast live on and let our wonderful listeners call in…
IrrationalPod Ep. 25
Game of the Year Special Yes, its that time of the year. The time where you sit down with your friends, reflect about past endeavors, maybe share a cup of hot coco, oh and stab each other in the chest…
Irrational Passions Game of the Year Nominations
Hello Irrational Passionists! Alex here, just letting you know that our game of the year awards are coming up! On December 30th all five of us will be sitting down and recording our first annual GOTY show, we’ll be running…
IrrationalPod Ep. 24
Mario Smokes a Bunch of Weed Yes, we are here! a little late, but we’re still here and ready to please. Ever wanted to know the best premise for a Mario game ever? How about some crazy stuff about sexing…
Top 5 Worst VG Characters Part 1
Me and the Irrational Crew believe that there is something special to a great character in a video game. Whether your favorite be Cloud from Final Fantasy 7, Abe from Oddwolrd, or Dante from Devil May Cry, there is something…
IrrationalPod Ep. 23
Gamers Only Younger Let me be the first to apologize about Evan listening to Christmas carols the entire show-length. We know, he has a problem. Also, Scott Sauer from Welcome to the Goo joins us for plenty of rip-rank shenanigans.
Spike VGA Round-Up
So another year, another set of ridiculous antics at the Spike Video Game Awards. No, they aren’t a good representation of the industry, but goddamn do they throw out some fantastic announcements. With world premieres of video games, we all…
IrrationalPod Ep. 22 [Update]
Irrational Distractions with Tennis Balls We have one of our best shows ever with special guests Glenn Burges and Geoff Chorney from Interactive Distractions. They’re loud, crewed, and most of all Irrational, so sit back, relax, and enjoy.
IrrationalPod Ep. 21
Jungle Fever With almost the entire normal crew out this week, Alex and Joe surround themselves with guests! Robby, or robby1051, and Andrew, AKA ZeAce, join them in a fantastical adventure of sexual inuendo and video game talk! Don’t forget…
IrrationalPod Ep. 20
20th Birthdays Come With- DRINK! Yes, its our big 2-0 and we are super excited! Chris joins the team but Scott sits out because he has other commitments! We wanna celebrate with style so we go all out LIVE and…