The newest generation of hardware is right around the corner. I actually have to say I am once again very excited. I love to play games and I have for a long time, so I’ve been able to watch them evolve as I do. I find that fascinating: as your audience changes and grows weary of what you are producing, most of the time, you need to change what they are playing the game on. This is where my piece comes in: with more powerful hardware, comes more powerful responsibility.
I agree that the hardware itself is more powerful this time around, probably exponentially. It’s not really what’s under the hood, though, unless you can create beautiful and sprawling stories and worlds to play on it. The stories need to be deeper, the worlds need to be larger and more alive and inhabited with detail aplenty. Or else we are left with a really nice car without a working motor. Games are the fuel for which consoles continue. They are its prey, so to speak, or it is prey and we are the Gods over the realm, and for as long as we play it, so these games need to excel in every single way.
More than any other medium, I believe, gaming changes the landscape every time a new generation comes out. And more so than other mediums, gaming puts you in almost full control, albeit limited to what was created. So, therefore, we must rely on the companies creating these games. I am so excited to play these worlds and to see the graphics and all of the minor detail to come to full realization a few months or years after the consoles are nice and cozy in our homes.
Seeing the greats come to the mound will be awesome, and watching them go head to head will be quite the sight. Anywhere from Kojima and Metal Gear Solid V to Bethesda with Elder Scrolls Online. Also, Battlefield and Call of Duty going head to head and greats like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts finding new homes on the Xbox One to Naughty Dog creating another amazing spectacle for the Playstation 4.
All we can do is wait and see. I hope all of you are as excited and nervous as I am in wanting this generation to blow everything else out of the water this coming holiday season.
Let me know what you’re most excited about in this coming generation @Sephricloud on Twitter.