An unbanning makes waves, Twitch chats are cesspools, and Steve Butts is out as EIC of IGN.
Discussion Topics:
Tyler1 returns to League after Riot lifts his ban.
AGDQ (and basically any broadcast via Twitch) was bombarded by aggressive chat trolls.
Steve Butts booted from IGN because of relationship to the Ingeneto scandal.
Works Mentioned:
Tyler1 Takes Over Twitch In His Return To League of Legends
AGDQ Twitch Chat Is Tolerable Right Now, But Not Everyone Is Happy
Stories Given a Shout Out:
The Rise and Fall of EA Sports Big, as Told by the Creator of SSX; Piotr Bajda
‘Suckin Dick While My Man Plays 2K’: When Video Games Meet Sex ; Patricia Hernandez
Life Is Strange: Before the Storm’s Ending Points Out that Everybody Lies, But We Don’t Have To Zhiqing Wan.
Theme Song:
“Ancient Heavy Tech Donjon” by Komiko
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