It’s another week without Alex since he is off doing things in Seattle for this show, so here we go!
- It’s Nabeshin as host, Evan, Scott and special guest: John “Plankfan” Weingartner.
- Evan is having some audio troubles so please bear with us as his mic picks up his fan.
- This week is full of boring things because Scott proves himself to his teacher and Plank is totes boring with class. Also, Evan is a man-child.
- Games this week include bad experiences in Battlefield, Plank has TF2, and Scott grabs a 3DS XL! Also: Rock Band Blitz
- News covers WiiU pre-orders, Last Guardian troubles, and games that nobody wants.
- Our #1 Super Fan gives Scott a good background to his theme song.
- That’s the show!
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