I know this show is a week late. I’m releasing it with out E3 reactions cast so they can go together as a pair. Very sorry it was late, there was a technical issue that delayed the show, and then a swarm of E3 content. It came out fine, i just didn’t want to put it out on the weekend!
Though we start without Tony, he joins us a bit late, and then we have a full cast and crew!
We skip weeks this time, because we want to get right into the E3 predictions!
Games include more Metroid, more Ni No Kuni, and more everything! Dota 2, Oracle of Ages, TC’s End War, and more.
We have a brief news segment discussing some of the Pre-E3 leaks, and then jump right into the discussion.
We throw out a hefty sum of predictions, read some that were sent into us, and Nabeshin asks us some general questions about what we thought would happen during E3.
I know this is coming out post E3, so now you can see how wrong we all were!
New releases and some emails!
Nabeshin asks us, and we throw it out.
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