This week, the main team is just Alex, Evan and Nabeshin, but we are joined by special guests Geoff Chorney and returning champion Joseph Fait!
We have crazy weeks with Dungeon Masters, Universal Studios, crazy drinks, and being Canadian.
When on games we break off on a huge tangent and talk about next gen games and consoles and why we are so excited, and what we will be playing on day one.
In games we talk a whole lot of Last of Us, Animal Crossing, Injustice, Muramasa, and Rogue Legacy! Some FF14 beta mixed in there. We also talk a little Hotline Miami for Vita & PS3.
There isn’t much news to talk about this week, but we touch on PS+ and Ellen page.
Joe was at E3, so we talk to him about it! He had a good time.
New Releases!
Nabeshin asks us about sleeping habits and the embarrassing stories roll out.
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