Alex is away, so the crazy kids will play. Enjoy this (mostly) Alex-free episode while he parties at IGN!
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Alex is off partying is San Francisco, so Nabeshin holds down the fort with Tony and Greg!
Nabeshin starts things off by bringing up the unfortunate news of Ryan Davis’ passing. Alex adds in a quick cut to share his thoughts, and then it’s back to the show!
Weeks this episode are making fun of Alex, Beyond 300, and specific rims!
Heads up: you probably won’t be able to hear Tony at all because he doesn’t know how microphones work!
Greg talks about a lot of video games, from Farcry to Brave New World, and then Nabeshin chimes in with The Last of Us and Hotline Miami. Tony played a whole bunch of things, but doesn’t talk about any of them!
We take a break, and come back with all of the news Nabeshin cares about, which spins off into a short segment criticizing The Last of Us.
Greg offends the entire country of Australia through the new releases segment, and then Nabeshin asks questions.
Before throwing out the show, Greg and Nabeshin decide to talk some anime.
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