The latest of all holiday shows!
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Evan is still getting used to his new mic, so he was accidentally recording from his Computer mic through the show. Sorry for the quality issues!
The show was even later than it normally is because Scott was with his family all week, so he didn’t get his file up until late in the week. Very sorry for the delay!
We are not doing a podcast this Friday (the 29th) so enjoy this episode and we’ll talk to you guys next week before the VGX!
This week we talk about NOT the Xbox One, because unfortunately we couldn’t get our hands on one or someone who has played one. Sorry guys!
We hit up Korra talk and reminisce on the end of Season 2.
We talk mostly Zelda and Mario this week (but mostly Zelda). Some Assassin’s Creed and Ratchet and Clank slipped in there too.
We discuss successful sales of consoles and other recent news in the video game world.
We make our picks for what we think will take gold in THIS year’s VGX!
Other than an odd Nabeshin asks, that wraps up the show!
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