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We have special guest Harold Price on for his birthday. Happy Birthday Harold!
We talk about a ton of video games this week! Including a tangent about Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze and Final Fantasy franchises. We discuss Metroid, Threes, Scribblenauts, Kingdom Hearts, Mass Effect and more!
There is a ton of news out and about this week. We discuss the success of the PS4 in Japan, Titanfall Bundles, the Nintendo DS online situation, and Harmonix’s Chroma!
We have an email, performed live by Harold, as well as “The King’s Orders”
We send SilverPR our appreciation for his voicemails, after one of his voicemails.
Alex tries his hand at a closing segment. It’s pretty crappy, but it’ll get better!
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Follow our guest @usfhbomb and don’t forget to check out his podcasts Cross Border Gaming and Hbomb & Friends!
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