- This is a late show, and a very very long show. Almost four hours of crazy (and good) content for you to suck up. Sorry for the delay guys!
- We have Alex, Nabeshin, Scott and Greg for this goliath of a show.
- In games we touch on Dead Space 3, Muramasa, League of Legends, DOTA2, Asura’s Wrath, and a ton more. We also break into two different discussions about MOBAs and judging games based on what you’ve seen about them.
- News this week is lead by our monthly NPD segment! Also, some Smash Bros character announcements.
- We also discuss the idea of a “perfect playthrough” of a game.
- We delve into some emails.
- That’s it for the regular show! We rap everything up with Korra Talk, but if you’re not interested in the Legend of Korra, we let you know when you don’t have to keep listening.
Video version:
[youtube id=”VyYVZvrPfjM” width=”600″ height=”350″]
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