We’re back in action, welcome to 2015 everyone!
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- This week, Alex, Tony, Scott and Nabeshin regale you with their holiday breaks of video games.
- We reflect on Game of the Year 2014, and the emotional bloodbath that ensued. We close up some loose ends and talk about the game we decided to be our Game of the Year!
- In video game land, we have more to talk about than we can muster. Blockade 3D, Shovel Knight, Unturned, World of Warcraft, Bayonetta (1 & 2!), Metal Gear, Kingdom Hearts, a ton on Dragon Age Inquisition, and many, many more.
- News we have some catching up to do, including the best selling games of 2014 and PSN/XBL outages from before.
- We also discuss the Nintendo Direct, buying amiibos, regretting everything, and the New 3DS XL.
- We also discuss some Xbox One price cuts, Rock Band DLC, and Kinda Funny Games.
- Nabeshin prepared some 2015 questions for us, and we sit back, theorize, and talk some trash.
- That’s the show, thanks so much for listening, and happy new year!
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[youtube id=”cV9aXC8HHjw” width=”600″ height=”350″]
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Alex – @ALFighter27
Evan – @stickerglue
Scott – @wuttehchuz
Brian “Nabeshin” Jackson – @Nabeshin186
Tony – @TonyHorvath
Greg – @GregoryBlaney
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