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- Joseph Fait brings us back from the past! It’s time we had a weird, tangential show about life AND video games, so Joe is here!
- Let’s talk about video games! Batman, Destiny, Witcher, Devil May Cry and losing all your progress. Oh and something about house cleaning, go read Alex’s article!
- A ton of news this week.
- We open by remembering Mr. Iwata and all he has given us and the video games industry. Rest in peace Mr. Iwata, we will always remember what you have done for us and this industry.
- Other topics: Jade Raymond, Kojima Productions and the fate of Kojima’s name, Randy Pitchford’s recent comments, Dead Island 2 and Shenmue 3.
- We have a voicemail from our good friend. Don’t forget to send you questions in!
- That’s the show, thank you for listening and being awesome!
[youtube id=”rlrK7eRFCHM” width=”600″ height=”350″]
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Evan – @stickerglue
Scott – @wuttehchuz
Brian “Nabeshin” Jackson – @Nabeshin186
Tony – @TonyHorvath
Greg – @GregoryBlaney
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