With inconsistent reviews about the next Sonic adventure, some people may be left wondering whether or not to get the game. Some argue the lack of speed or of the quality of controls, but that is determined by a player alone, at the end of the day. The franchise, Sonic, continues to evolve with gameplay and storyline, and Sonic: Lost World is an example of how Sega continues to direct this character into new territory.
Here are five reasons why you may want to consider picking up Sonic Lost World next Tuesday.
5. Nintendo Exclusive
This is return of a Nintendo exclusive Sonic game, which is reason enough to get excited. Some of my favorite Sonic games created, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for example, were exclusive to Nintendo. Even though Sonic games like Generations and Colors have seen success, other titles like Unleashed were lackluster in comparison to their predecessors.
4. Stunning Visuals
The graphics reveal Sonic in a whole new way, without even having to change a thing. They are able to focalize certain elements of texture within the characters that have never been seen before, and you can thank the new graphics engine for it.
3. Mario Galaxy-esque
People always chatter on about how cool it would be to have a Zelda game that is similar to Skyrim. Well with Sonic’s new title, we are able to play with Sonic through these obstacle courses that resemble the structure that Mario Galaxy created. It’s hard to develop a terrible game when you involve certain aspects from an amazing game like Mario Galaxy.
2. Wii U and 3DS
Nintendo likes to release certain titles to only the Wii U or 3DS, which can make it hard on some people who favor one over the other. Although with this title, fans of Sonic are able to pick their preference and indulge in the creativity that both the 3DS and Wii U have to offer.
1. Nostalgia
One of the things that received a lot of my attention during the announcement of this title was how similar it seemed to Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. That game is the reason to why I wear glasses to this day because of sticking my face in front of a TV for hours, and to see similarities in gameplay just fills me with excitement.
For those of you who are interested in picking up this recent Sonic title, do not let the mix of reviews for this title sway you one way or the other. With the release on both Wii U and 3DS, you can pick whichever one you feel more comfortable with, and enjoy a classic hero in a new setting. For more information on Sonic and Nintendo, keep it locked at IrrationalPassions.com and tweet @ruppz1 for comments.