If you’ve been keeping up with IrrationalPod, then you know Alex and some listeners have been keeping logs of their game hours. Here are the hours from April!
Alex’s Stats for April 2011:
Hours [just hours]: 220
Minutes [just minutes]: 883
TOTAL: 234 hours 43 minutes
3 Biggest Game Sessions
#1 April 21st – 22nd
Tales of Symphonia for 15 hours and 29 minutes
#2 April 15th – 16th
Tales of Vesperia for 13 hours 33 minutes
#3 April 20th – 21st
Tales of Symphonia for 13 hours 29 minutes
Console Hours:
85 hours 336 minutes
3 Biggest Game Days
#1 April 29th ~ 14 hours 37 minutes
#2 April 22nd ~ 14 hours 26 minutes
#3 April 28th ~ 14 hours 4 minutes
Game Specific Hours
Tales of Vesperia
86 hours, 10 minutes
Tales of the Abyss
27 hours, 16 minutes
Tales of Symphonia
60 hours, 42 minutes
Portal 2
8 hours, 39 minutes
Metroid Prime Trilogy
30 hours 4 minutes
Mr. Nep’s April Totals
(You can see Nep’s actual log at this link)
Total Hours in the month of April
78 hours 46 minutes
4,726 minutes
283,560 seconds
3 Biggest Game Sessions for April
#1 April 1st Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel (14 hours 10 minutes)
#2 April 18th 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors (7 hours 33 minutes)
#3 April 11th Arcana Heart 3 (6 hours 40 minutes)
3 Biggest Game Days for April
#1 April 1, 2011 (14 hours, 31 minutes)
#2 April 18, 2011 (8 hours 24 minutes)
#3 April 19, 2011 (8 hours 11 minutes)
3 Top Picked up and Played Games for April
#1 The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (17 times)
#2 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors (6 times)
#3 Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel (5 times)
Old Game Playing vs. New Games for April:
7 hours 18 minutes of old games
71 hours 28 minutes of new games
Time Spent on each Platform for April:
PC- 6 hours 57 minutes
PSP- 12 hours 1 minute
PS2- 0 hours
PS3- 36 hours 22 minutes
Wii- 0 hours
DS- 23 hours 26 minutes
StingHP’s April Totals
48.81 hours
System Hours
#1 PS3 26.03 hours
#2 PC 22.78 hours
3 Biggest Game Sessions [if you like]
#1 Portal 2 (PS3) 9 hours
#2 GT5 (PS3) 3.2 hours
#3 GT5 (PS3) 3 hours
3 Biggest Game Days
#1 April 2 10.78 hours
#2 April 19 9 hours
#3 April 3 6.34 hours
Game Specific Hours
Portal 2 14 hours
GT5 8.45 hours
Magicka 5.28 hours
Civ V 3.08 hours
Castle Crashers 3 hours
Audiosurf 2.67 hours
Lara Croft 2.67 hours
Super Meat Boy 2.58 hours
A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks 2.5 hours
Killing Floor 1.17 hours
Battlefield Play4Free 1 hour
Just Cause 2 1 hour
Tetris 0.83 hour
Solstice: Reborn 0.33 hour
Swarm Demo 0.25 hour